Our Hybrid technology comprises of modular Active Filter Modules used with Tuned or Detuned Filter Banks to offer better filtering efficiency in the network. The Hybrid System is used for Power Factor Correction and Harmonic Mitigation with a low running cost. The Hybrid System is controlled through common Touch Screen Display. The modular Active Filter units are IGBT fired with each module is having its own dedicated Controller. The Passive Filtration part is controlled and switched ‘ON’ through Thyristor Switching Modules. The complete combination of Active and Passive offers a very reliable combination for very effective filtration and power factor control with low losses. Hybrid Power conditioning system is a combination of Dynamic ACTIVECOMP Thyristor based Power Factor Correction System and IGBT fired Active Harmonic Filtration System offers the most viable and economical solution for both Power Factor Compensation and Harmonic Mitigation. The designs offered by us are installed for compensation and Harmonic compliance of the main transformer or at major load feeders. Though there are standard ratings but any design can be offered as per customer load characteristics and level of harmonic distortion.
Features of Hybrid Harmonic Filtration System
- Combination of both Tuned/detuned passive system and IGBT Fired Active Filter
- Gives dual benefits in terms of unity power factor correction and current/voltage harmonic elimination as per latest IEEE 519 Standard
- Thyristor switched capacitor banks is used for transient free operation and real-time power factor improvement.
- IGBT fired, 3-level topology is used in Active Filter part
- Low operational cost, long life, and Improves the life cycle of various critical electrical equipment.
- Extensible design to add detuned/tuned filter banks along with AHF Modules.
- Guaranteed energy savings in KVAH energy bills
Advantages of Hybrid Harmonic Filter
- Saves electrical energy by bringing down specific energy consumption so properly designed System payback within a very short period.
- Reduction in specific energy consumption in the range of 2% to 4% or depend upon the network condition.
- Combination of Thyristor Switched Capacitor banks with Modular Active Filter gives dual benefits of Power Factor Correction and Harmonic Filtration in the electrical network.
- Very low operational cost in comparison to purely active filtration.
- Reliable modular technology for very long and trouble free operational life.
- Eliminates current and voltage harmonics, improves power factor, avoid the risk of resonance and improves the life span of various load side and distribution equipment.
- Minimize breakdowns, thereby increasing the uptime of plant leading to high productivity.
- Designed to operate at 50 Deg. ambient temperature without any derating.
- Can compensate from 2nd to 50th order harmonics.
- Fast Response time
- Easily upgradable in terms of KVAr and Ampere
System – capabilities & objectives
- The system should be capable of Fast Transient Free Dynamic response in Real Time through Thyristor Switching
- The system will generate Reactive Power at network voltage through Thyristor detuned banks and IGBT fired Active filter current for harmonic mitigation.
- Harmonic Resonance control and reduction through 7%/14% or any other filtering factor Detuned Block Reactors.
- Dual P.F. mode – P.F. Control to Unity on utility and 0.9 to 0.95 on DG supply
- The system will be modular units of AHF working independently of each other and various banks for reactive power compensation section.
- Onsite upgradable Modular Controller for data logging, GSM module, Wi-Fi module for mobile app.
- Both Real-Time P.F. section and Active Harmonic Filter section should work in perfect synchronization in Hybrid combination.
The ACTIVECOMP Controller is most advanced, which is capable of compensating the loads where reactive power varies in real-time. It is easily expandable offering flexibility in terms of future upgradations.
Features of ACTIVECOMP Controller are:
- Backlit graphics 128×80 pixel LCD display which shows harmonic spectrum and different waveforms
- Inbuilt load manager function with a wide range of voltage measurement from 100 to 750 V
- 3 CT current sensing for the optimal and accurate performance of Activecomp system
- Option for 5A and 1A both secondary CT current sensing
- Dual Power factor setting for DG and Mains.
- Front optical port for communication offers connectivity without opening the panel doors.
- Master-slave function for easy addition of any nos. of Stages/banks in future controlled from the master controller
- Optional GSM/GPRS modem modules for email/monitoring functions
- SMS sending on alarm conditions
Intelligent Monitoring and Control

ACTIVECOMP Thyristor Switching Modules
The ACTIVECOMP Thyristor Modules is characterized by a high switching speed that ensures the switching on and off of the capacitors in real-time. Thyristor switching modules comprised of solid-state switching elements, which provide reliable, high speed and transient free operation. Thyristor Switching Module have a very high peak inverse voltage (PIV) of 2200V AC; this makes them exceptionally resistant to network Transients. These modules have inbuilt high-speed fans for better cooling with high-temperature protection. With the selection of highly-rated devices and thermal design, the performance of switching modules is way ahead of Switches available in the market.

Harmonic Block Reactors:

Harmonic Filter Reactors are made out of high-quality material and very stringent quality control. It has been designed with properties like the low-temperature rise and lower flux density so that it can operate in worst conditions of ambient and harmonic overloads (withstand very high THD-I and V values). All the reactors are designed with single layer strip winding with proper air channels for the low-temperature rise.
Capacitor Banks:
Super Heavy Cylindrical type Duca Power series Capacitor Banks from M/s Ducati energia s.p.a, Italy are installed as standard in all Activecomp Systems. Capacitors are rated voltage of 525V or 690V as per network voltage or application.

Active Harmonic Filter
Modular IGBT based Active Harmonic Filter Units with embedded cooling fans in multiple of different modules will be used in a separate non-compartmentalized compartment in Hybrid System with proper ventilation to reach the target rating of total Active Harmonic Filtration. Temperature sensors shall be provided to monitor the AHF module’s internal temperature, and cooling fans’ rotating speed shall be adjusted according to the detected internal temperature. Modular AHF Unit / Units shall have the basic function of harmonic current elimination to reduce THD-I and load imbalance correction. The AHF system shall be modular as described above with each AHF module shall be an independent harmonic filtering system, and it should normally work even when other modules or display & control panel get failure.
Technical Specification of Hybrid Harmonic Filter
Characteristics | Description |
Enclosure Design | Standardized bolted Modular Sheet Steel Enclosure-Non compartmentalized. Compartmentalized on request. |
Enclosure Finish | Epoxy Powder Coated, in grey (RAL 7035) structure finish |
Rated Design Voltage | 440V, 50Hz, 3 Phase 3 Wire (Design available for 380V, 400V, 415V, 480V, 690V, 750V – 50/60Hz) |
Output Rating | 100 KVAr to 2000 KVAR Other output ratings, switching combination or design voltages are available upon request |
Duty | Continuous |
Capacitors | DUCA POWER Super Heavy Duty series used are rated at 525V, 690V and 800V, 50/60Hz as per network voltage |
Reactors | H-Class, Single layer Wound 200% Linearity (Cu. / AL. ) of 5.67% , 7% or 14% |
Switching | Heavy Duty, 2200 PIV with 4 inch High speed axial flow fan |
Modular Controller | 3 Phase, 3 CT Input, 1A / 5A with inbuilt Power Quality and Load Manager |
Incoming / Outgoing | MCCB / ACB as incomer and HRC Fuses for backup protection (other combinations for backup / incomer on request) |
Ambient Temperature | 50OC max. |
Protection Class | IP 40 (Other IP ratings on request) |